Κυριακή 2 Απριλίου 2023

how chatGPT made the same mistake a non tech-savvie open source user would make



tell me how I can use https://github.com/FreeBSD-Starter-Kit/imagewriter on GhostBSD


chatGPT wrong answer

The FreeBSD Starter Kit Imagewriter is a tool for writing disk images to USB drives, and it can be used on GhostBSD just like any other FreeBSD-based operating system.

Here are the steps to use Imagewriter on GhostBSD:

  1. Install Imagewriter from the command line by running the following command:

  • sudo pkg install imagewriter
  • Insert the USB drive you want to write the disk image to.

  • Launch Imagewriter by running the following command:

    1. sudo imagewriter
    2. In the Imagewriter window, select the disk image you want to write to the USB drive by clicking on the "Select image" button.

    3. Select the USB drive you want to write the disk image to by clicking on the "Select target" button.

    4. Check the "Safety check" option to prevent accidental data loss.

    5. Click on the "Write" button to start the disk image writing process.

    6. Wait for the process to complete, and then safely eject the USB drive from your system.

    That's it! You've successfully used Imagewriter to write a disk image to a USB drive on GhostBSD.

     my telling him that his answer was wrong :

    I'm afraid you've got it all wrong: read what github says: 
    git clone https://github.com/FreeBSD-Starter-Kit/imagewriter 
    cd imagewriter 
    chmod a+x imagewrite.py 
     python ./imagewriter.py


    chatGPT uses the information I suggested from github and corrects itself:


    I apologize for my mistake. You are correct that the usage instructions for Imagewriter on GhostBSD are different from what I initially suggested.

    Here are the corrected steps to use Imagewriter on GhostBSD:

    1. Open a terminal window.

    2. Clone the Imagewriter repository from GitHub by running the following command:

  • git clone https://github.com/FreeBSD-Starter-Kit/imagewriter.git
  • Change to the cloned directory by running the following command:

  • cd imagewriter
  • Make the Imagewriter script executable by running the following command:

  • chmod a+x imagewriter.py
  • Launch Imagewriter by running the following command:

    1. python ./imagewriter.py
    2. In the Imagewriter window, select the disk image you want to write to the USB drive by clicking on the "Select image" button.

    3. Select the USB drive you want to write the disk image to by clicking on the "Select target" button.

    4. Check the "Safety check" option to prevent accidental data loss.

    5. Click on the "Write" button to start the disk image writing process.

    6. Wait for the process to complete, and then safely eject the USB drive from your system.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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